Management of industrial wastewater treatment plants | Purecontrol is committed to Olga
With its expertise in the management of municipal wastewater treatment plants, Purecontrol puts its solution at the service of agri-food companies concerned about their environmental impact and energy consumption.
In May 2023, Olga (formerly Triballat-Noyal) called on Purecontrol to strengthen its energy efficiency approach. The challenge was to optimize the Management of its wastewater treatment plant based in Noyal-sur-Vilaine (35). In 7 months, the results were conclusive, with an improvement in the operation of the aerators and an energy bill reduced by 16%.
Since May 2023, Purecontrol has been supporting the company Olga in optimizing its wastewater treatment plant (STEP) at its industrial site in Noyal-sur-Vilaine. The challenge of this collaboration is both economic and environmental. Indeed, it reduces operating costs by optimizing the management of the STEP which alone represents 15% of the site's energy consumption. It also ensures the maintenance of the quality of the treated water at the outlet. This factor is decisive for environmental compliance and the sustainability of operations.

A project part of the energy sobriety approach of a pioneer in the food industry
A pioneer and precursor, the company Olga has always been at the forefront of the food industry, both in terms of its products and its commitments. In September 2022, Olga thus unveiled her vision for 2035 aimed at transforming the group into a regenerative company, driving the food, ecological and societal transitions in her sector.
Among other things, Olga's ambition is for 100% of its activities to have a positive impact on the environment. In this sense, Olga is investing in the energy autonomy of its sites with photovoltaic panels (1999), a wind turbine (2011), a biomass boiler (2015), as well as photovoltaic shades (2020 and 2022).
In line with this energy efficiency approach, Olga also called on Purecontrol to reduce its consumption. PureControl, a local player, was obvious for Olga, and the first results are very encouraging.
” The work carried out with Purecontrol demonstrates the ability of local actors to create virtuous synergies that can positively impact our ecosystems by optimizing the energy resources of our industries. ” explains Olivier Clanchin, President of Olga.

Customized control and remote monitoring
The specificity of this equipment is the large variations in pollution to be treated between day, night and weekends. During the day, a technician present on site can monitor developments in real time and make the necessary adjustments. However, at night and at weekends, the ventilation system is adjusted to ensure a very wide margin and thus avoid any risk of non-compliance. This over-aeration generates over-consumption of energy.
The Purecontrol solution makes it possible to take into account all the parameters of the site so that the management is constantly adapted according to the effluents received. With AI, aeration is adjusted in real time according to the pollution to be treated to ensure the compliance of the discharges and a good decantation of the sludge.
The Purecontrol solution also offers the possibility of monitoring the station from the office, or from home, while respecting the plant's computer security constraints. It thus avoids unnecessary trips for technicians and the site manager.

Conclusive results
Since the installation of the Purecontrol solution on existing equipment in May 2023, the operating time of the aerators has been reduced by 15%, resulting in a reduction in energy consumption of 400 kWh per day, i.e. a saving of 2,000 €/month.
“At Olga, we are always in the process of optimizing our consumption. However, energy-saving work should not be done at the expense of the quality of the water discharged. We cannot afford to have technical problems on the site by testing our processes. Our treatment plant is an essential equipment for our production and respect for the environment. Any bad management can impact production and if the WWTP does not work, we can no longer produce. To maintain our treatment yields and maintain a reliable installation, the tool takes into account the quality of the biomass and the discharge.
Given these challenges, the relationship of trust that can be established with our service provider is essential. The non-binding contract offered by Purecontrol was a real plus for embarking on this project. It's reassuring and it allows you to start collaborating step by step. ” specifies Guillaume Guérin, water treatment manager at Olga.

Webinar: RETEX Olga!
Olga will discuss this collaboration during a free, live webinar organized on Tuesday, December 5 at 4:00pm.
Come and chat live.
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About Purecontrol
Created in 2017, Purecontrol uses artificial intelligence to significantly reduce operational costs, energy consumption, and optimize operations for the water management, industry and renewable energy sectors. Now deployed on more than 300 sites, the solution has proven its efficiency on processes thanks to the management of installations in real time and data analysis.
Purecontrol has obtained the Greentech Innovation certification of the Ministry of Ecological Transition in 2021, then Solar Impulse Efficient Solution in 2022, thus demonstrating the eco-innovative dimension of the solutions provided.
About the Olga Group
A family and independent food company for 3 generations, Olga (Ex Triballat Noyal) was founded in Brittany in 1951 by Maxime and Olga Triballat. From the first organic dairy products to the first French organic hemp sector, including the first desserts and soy cakes, Olga has always been a pioneer in terms of food, ecological and societal transition. Today, Olga has 1350 employees and 250 direct producers for a turnover of 340 million euros. Anxious to take the time to “do the right thing”, Olga offers food and nutritional solutions that meet her raison d'être: to be a source of life for People and the Planet. Olga brings together major brands in the dairy and vegetable sector for the general public and professionals (Sojasun, Sojade, Vrai, Petit Billy, Grillon d'Or, Grillon d'Or, Maison Bordier etc.).
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