METRON and Purecontrol join forces to accelerate the decarbonization of industry through the optimization and energy efficiency of water management infrastructures

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METRON and Purecontrol join forces to accelerate the decarbonization of industry through the optimization and energy efficiency of water management infrastructures

METRON and Purecontrol have signed a structuring partnership agreement to accelerate the decarbonization of industry through the optimization of industrial processes through artificial intelligence. By combining METRON's expertise in the analysis and monitoring of energy consumption and that of Purecontrol for the management and optimization of energy assets in the water sector in real time, this partnership allows the development of a new offer aimed at reducing the energy footprint of industrial players.

Faced with the double energy and ecological crisis, the industrial sector is now more than ever confronted with the need to rethink its use, consumption and management of energy, in order to embark on an ambitious trajectory to reduce its carbon footprint. With industry accounting for nearly 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, decarbonizing the industrial sector is a priority for the sector as well as for society as a whole.

Based on this conviction and their experience in supporting more than 200 industrial players, METRON and Purecontrol see this partnership as an opportunity to pool their respective expertise to accelerate the decarbonization of the sector. This new offer combines the tools for mapping, analysis and real-time monitoring of energy consumption offered by METRON and Purecontrol's energy management and optimization software.

Thanks to this partnership, the energy footprint of water treatment and management infrastructures, which often represents a blind spot in industry decarbonization trajectories, can also be reduced. On average, energy-related expenses represent up to 70% of the budget of a water management site.

Since 2017, Purecontrol has been working alongside a wide variety of players in the field of water management and has in particular developed a tool that makes it possible to reduce, thanks to artificial intelligence, up to 30% the energy footprint of pond aeration systems in treatment plants, which constitute the most energy-consuming part of the water treatment process.

In the last 10 years METRON has supported more than 20,000 sites around the world in their energy management, thanks to real-time analysis and monitoring tools, which allow companies to achieve up to 15% reduction in their carbon footprint.

The complementarity of these offers will allow the customers of the two companies to have a broader and more detailed knowledge of all the parameters involved in the energy consumption of a site, and therefore to allow better optimization of industrial processes.

This partnership also aims to offer greater visibility on the energy performance of industrial sites, by allowing centralized multi-site monitoring, in particular for water management actors.

This partnership thus constitutes a new accessible, complete and operational lever available to industrial players to meet the challenges of the energy crisis and to commit themselves sustainably to a trajectory of reducing the carbon footprint of all their activities.

Gautier Avril, Co-founder of Purecontrol: “METRON analyzes the entire car, while Purecontrol is in charge of cruise control. This strategic alliance marks an acceleration for decarbonization by providing a comprehensive solution. We are convinced that it is by combining the strengths of companies like ours that we will be able to contribute to the ecological transition effectively.”

Vincent Sciandra, CEO of METRON: “This partnership with Purecontrol testifies to our desire to act faster and stronger for the decarbonization of the industry, by combining very complementary technical expertise. I am delighted with this partnership-based approach, which will provide our customers with better knowledge, better visibility and greater transparency in terms of energy consumption.”
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